We are currently a small group trying to initiate a class reunion that has never happened before.
The years have gone by and we cannot believe that the year of Bus Passes is finally upon us.
This invitation is going out to the pupils who were born in 1957 or who went to school in 1962 and enrolled on to Primary 1. In 1968/69 you would have been in Primary 7 and sitting the 11+.
That’s our year but we are also extending an invitation to the pupils who were born in 1958 and went to Lews Castle. They were joined by the 1957 pupils who had to complete three years in the rural schools because they were born after August. The 1957 pupils with a birthday before August transferred at the end of 2nd year but those with birthdays after August completed third year at their rural secondary school and as such were a year behind when we went to Lews Castle.
OK I’m glad you understand that. Now the next part is that this website will be organised in a second phase. The first phase is to establish contact and the likelihood of people attending. This will run until the end of May when we will reconvene and either run with it or call the whole thing off.
This is the information we can share with you at the moment:
WHEN: Friday 22 September 2017 6pm
WHERE: Stornoway Golf Club Stornoway
COST: TBA once menu, drinks, venue discussed.
After May, if the numbers are viable we will send out more information such as menu choices and drinks, also a facility to make payment. A photographer has also been booked and they will make the pictures available for purchase on the night.
Although nothing has been set for the evening I anticipate you arriving to a glass of bubbly, photographs being taken and a mingle for a while before eating. Then we can enjoy the music from the “Rendezvous Juke Box” I’m sure we all remember that. . We are working with the Stornoway Golf Club and I’m sure it will be “alright on the night”. If all is well we can hit the start button and upload all the information for those who have expressed an interest in attending.
We are making every effort to contact all classmates via website, emails, social media, welovestornoway and Hebrides News. If you are in contact with any former classmates, please, please pass on this information.
In order in making a success of our 60th reunion please send any old pics from back in the day to make it a memorable occasion and we can upload them on to the website. If you are also at a loose end and feel you can contribute to the organising then please let us know when you email us.
If interested in attending, please submit your correct email, home address and phone number in the Contact tab and we will acknowledge.
If you are not interested or cannot come, please give us a call or send an email and let us know what is going on in your life.
We are currently a small group trying to initiate a class reunion that has never happened before.
The years have gone by and we cannot believe that the year of Bus Passes is finally upon us.
This invitation is going out to the pupils who were born in 1957 or who went to school in 1962 and enrolled on to Primary 1. In 1968/69 you would have been in Primary 7 and sitting the 11+.
That’s our year but we are also extending an invitation to the pupils who were born in 1958 and went to Lews Castle. They were joined by the 1957 pupils who had to complete three years in the rural schools because they were born after August. The 1957 pupils with a birthday before August transferred at the end of 2nd year but those with birthdays after August completed third year at their rural secondary school and as such were a year behind when we went to Lews Castle.
OK I’m glad you understand that. Now the next part is that this website will be organised in a second phase. The first phase is to establish contact and the likelihood of people attending. This will run until the end of May when we will reconvene and either run with it or call the whole thing off.
This is the information we can share with you at the moment:
WHEN: Friday 22 September 2017 6pm
WHERE: Stornoway Golf Club Stornoway
COST: TBA once menu, drinks, venue discussed.
After May, if the numbers are viable we will send out more information such as menu choices and drinks, also a facility to make payment. A photographer has also been booked and they will make the pictures available for purchase on the night.
Although nothing has been set for the evening I anticipate you arriving to a glass of bubbly, photographs being taken and a mingle for a while before eating. Then we can enjoy the music from the “Rendezvous Juke Box” I’m sure we all remember that. . We are working with the Stornoway Golf Club and I’m sure it will be “alright on the night”. If all is well we can hit the start button and upload all the information for those who have expressed an interest in attending.
We are making every effort to contact all classmates via website, emails, social media, welovestornoway and Hebrides News. If you are in contact with any former classmates, please, please pass on this information.
In order in making a success of our 60th reunion please send any old pics from back in the day to make it a memorable occasion and we can upload them on to the website. If you are also at a loose end and feel you can contribute to the organising then please let us know when you email us.
If interested in attending, please submit your correct email, home address and phone number in the Contact tab and we will acknowledge.
If you are not interested or cannot come, please give us a call or send an email and let us know what is going on in your life.